I like building things
I took to programming as a kid because I love creating software that make life better. That drive remains, but I've had the privilege of building bigger things: The first eCommerce sites for major European companies during the dot-com boom, a better solution for sales tax compliance, a market research platform that powers product decisions at major automotive brands, or a cannabis-friendly fintech platform (PCI/SOC 2 and all).
I like people
Building high-performing teams comes naturally to me because I care about the people on those teams. It matters that they have meaningful work, that they have a voice in how the work gets done, and that they have a growth path. Even if that growth leads them away from the company one day. High performance is an emergent property of treating people well, and success is a byproduct.
I'm also one of the top contributors on Stack Overflow. I didn't set out with that goal; I set out to help people learn.
No buzzwords—no BS
If you're building something worthwhile and you care about the people who join you on the journey, let's talk.